Kazan 출장 첫날 일정이 여유가 있어 아침 일찍 호텔을 나섰다.
출장 중 관광은 언제나 마음이 급하고 준비가 되지 않은 상항에서 즉흥적으로 떠나게된다.
Kazan에서 먼저 꼽히는 관광지는 UNESCO에 World Heritage로 선정된 'Histroic and Architectural Complex of the Kazan Kremlin'.
Vladimir Lenin이 수학한 Kazan University에 그의 동상이 있다고 해서 가보고 싶었지만, 시간이 없어 패스.
타타르스탄도 오래되고 복잡한 역사라, Islam, 기독교, 정교 등 다양한 종교문화가 혼재되어 있다.
Kazan시의 main street인 Bauman Street를 따라 올라가면 쉽게 도착할 수 있다.
멀지 않은 길에 흐렸던 하늘은 한바탕 소나기를 퍼붓다가 도착하니 다시 개었다.
쭉 따라올라가면 갈 수 있다.
구글링해서 얻은 Kazan Kremlin에 대한 Plan
가로로 눕힌 지도지만 실제로는 세로로 보아야 한다. 입구는 plan 5시 방향
1: the Complex of the Governor's Palace (1848), now the President's Office; 2: the Complex of the Annunciation Cathedral (1562) where the old foundations of the mosque were found; 3: Government offices (XVII- XIX); 4: the Saviour Entrance Tower (1562); 5: the Complex of the Ordnance Yard, built (XVII-XVII), reconstructed (1995-1999); 6: the Kul-Sharif Mosque (1995-2005) built or 'resurrected' on an entirely new site; 7: the former site of the Saviour-Transfiguration Monastery, built (1557-1601), demolished in the 1930s. 40
남서쪽에 있는 입구로 들어서면 Kremlin의 성벽과 입구가 보인다.
Kazan을 대표하는 Kul-Sharif Mosque 또는 Qolsarif Mosque
16세기에 지어졌다가 러시아 침략으로 파괴된 Mosque를 1996년부터 건설하여 2005년 완공
러시아 침략에 대항하던 종교지도자인 Kul Sharif의 이름을 따서 명명함
타타르스탄과 러시아 간의 갈등을 대표하는 건축물이 아닐지.
Originally, the mosque was built in the Kazan Kremlin in the 16th century. It was named after Kul Sharif, who was a religious scholar who served there. Kul Sharif died with his numerous students while defending Kazan from Russian forces in 1552. It is believed that the building featured minarets, both in the form of cupolas and tents. Its design was traditional for Volga Bulgaria, although elements of early Renaissance and Ottoman architecture could have been used as well. In 1552, during the Siege of Kazan it was destroyed by Ivan the Terrible.
Tatar scholars speculate as to whether some elements of Kul Sharif Mosque can be seen in Saint Basil's Cathedral in Moscow (8 domes with a central cupola). Since 1996, the mosque has been rebuilt in the Kazan Kremlin, although its look is decisively modern. Its inauguration on July 24, 2005, marked the beginning of celebrations dedicated to the Millennium of Kazan. It can accommodate 6,000 worshipers.
Several countries contributed to the fund that was set up to rebuild Kul Sharif Mosque, namely Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates. Nowadays the mosque predominantly serves as a museum of Islam. At the same time during the major Muslim celebrations thousands of people gather there to pray.
The Kul Sharif complex was envisioned to be an important cornerstone of Kazan's architectural landscape. Besides the main mosque building it includes a library, publishing house and Imam's office. [Wikipedia]
Mosque에는 돔 지붕과 이슬람 건축양식으로 치장한 예배소 외에도 이슬람 박물관이 있다.
특히 아랍문자를 문양화한 작품들이 인상적이다.
Mosque 주위를 감싸고 있는 건물과 주위에 있던 비석
Annunciation Cathedral
Kremlin 내에서 가장 오래되었다는 건축물로, 정교 성당이다.
Ivan 짜르가 Kazan 한국을 점령하고 이슬람을 탄압하며 세운 정교 성당.
그런데 이 건물도 볼세비키 혁명 이후 많은 손상을 입었다고 한다.
Annunciation Cathedral of Kazan Kremlin (Russian: Благовещенский собор Казанского кремля) was the first Orthodox church within the walls of the Kazan Kremlin. Initially, a wooden church was quickly built under direction of Tsar Ivan IV in 1552, before it was replaced by a stone cathedral. The cathedral became the center of religious and educational life and missionary efforts in the province of Kazan.
The present day great stone cathedral was preceded by a small wooden church built at a spot specified by Tsar Ivan IV (the Terrible) within the half destroyed walls of the Kazan kremlin. Construction of the wooden church began on October 4, 1552, and was completed in three days, on October 6, 1552. The church was named in honor of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Virgin. Ivan himself outlined the foundation of the church and marked with a cross the intended place for the bishop's throne[1]. The throne was placed in use on July 28, 1555, when Archbishop Gury arrived and was enthroned as the first bishop of the diocese of Kazan.
In 1555, a team of workers, led by master Postnik Yakovlev and mason Ivan Shiryai from Pskov, were directed to Kazan by an imperial letter and tasked to build walls of stone around the fortress. In addition to the walls, the builders erected a stone cathedral, built out of rough-hewn limestone, in place of the wooden church. The new cathedral was consecrated on August 15, 1562. The cathedral had two side altars, on the right dedicated to the martyred saints Boris and Gleb, and on the left dedicated to the Murom miracleworkers, Peter and Fevroniya. Over the years the cathedral received many gifts: icons with gilded silver frames from the tsars and clerical robes, books, and liturgical vessels from Kazan archbishops, local generals, and princes.
Through the centuries the cathedral was ravaged many times by fires. The worst events were in 1596, 1672, 1694, 1742, 1749, and 1757. The repairs and additions made after each fire changed the cathedral significantly; side altars were extended, church porches were added, and cupolas were altered. The most destructive fire was that of 1815. In this fire, that burned down a good part of the city, the cathedral was largely destroyed. Extensive changes were made during its restoration that greatly changed the exterior of the cathedral. Also, a new iconostasis was incorporated that followed the design of the original iconostasis of the early years of the stone cathedral.
Many hierarchs and priests associated with the cathedral were buried in the cathedral. Among these were Archbishop Tikhon I (Khvorostinin) (1575-1576) and Metropolitans Lavrenti II (1657-1673) and Markell (1691-1698) who were buried under the heavy vaults of the basement. The bodies of Archbishops Kazansky Afanasi (1857-1866), Vladimir II (Petrov) (1892-1897), and Dmitri Sambikin (1905-1908) were buried in the All Saints church tomb. This tomb was consecrated in 1896 by Archbishop Kazansky Vladimir. Other archpriests were buried in various places in the cathedral.
The relics of the first bishop of Kazan, Abp. Gury have also been associated with Annunciation Cathedral since its inception. In 1630, St. Gury's relics were moved to the cathedral and became the principal relics held by the cathedral. Over the years the relics were moved to various places in the cathedral, before they were taken to the Church of the Varoslavl miracle-makers, in 1918. In 1841, his cell was found under the side church of Ss. Boris and Gleb.
After the Bolsheviks came into power in 1917, the cathedral lost its magnificence. The many buildings that were built around the cathedral over the centuries were destroyed in the 1920s. The combination multi-tiered stone bell tower and its church were demolished, while the cupolas and drums, the western porch, and stone facings of the cathedral were disassembled. In 1977, restoration work began. The external walls and the floors were repaired, and the cupolas and crosses were restored. Restoration of the interior of the cathedral did not start until 1997, until various government archives were removed from the building in 1996.
In 1995, the Annunciation complex was transferred to the management of the State Kazan Kremlin History-Architectural Museum, and restoration work began the following years on restoration of the complex to its historical appearance. In November 2000, the Kazan Kremlin was placed on the UNESCO World Heritage list. As the restoration work progressed, the cathedral was opened to accept believers for church services in summer 2005. [Orthodoxwiki]
성당을 지나 쭉 걸어가면 성벽과 성벽이 지키는 강을 만난다.
다시 성당으로 돌아나와 북쪽으로 보이는 Soyembika Tower.
이 탑의 이름은 Kazan 한국의 왕비이며 Ivan 대제 침략시 섭정이었던 Soyembika에서 따왔다.
전설은 Ivan대제가 청혼하자 승락의 조건으로 탑을 건립해 줄 것을 요청하고, 탑이 완성되자 그 위에서 뛰어 내려 자살하였다는 내용이다.
역사는 왕비가 Kazan 함락 후 Moscow로 압송되어 러시아가 임명한 새 Khan과 결혼하였다고 한다.
Söyembikä Tower (Tatar: Сөембикә манарасы; Russian: Ба́шня Сююмбикэ́), also called the Khan's Mosque, is probably the most familiar landmark and architectural symbol of Kazan.
Once the highest structure of that city's kremlin, it used to be one of the so-called leaning towers. By 1990s, the inclination was 198 centimeters (78 in). Diverse stabilization methods were used to straighten the tower in the 1930s and 1990s, and it no longer leans.
The tower's construction date is enshrouded in mystery. Several scholars date its construction to the turn of the 18th century, when tiered towers were exceedingly popular in Russia.
A legend postulates that the tower was built more than a century earlier by Ivan the Terrible's artisans in just a week's time. As the legend goes, the Kazan queen Söyembikä threw herself down from the highest tier, hence the name. This legend has nothing to do with the real history of the tower because Söyembikä was forcibly detained by Muscovite forces in 1551 and moved to the city of Kasimov and died years later (and suicide is an unpardonable sin in the queen's Muslim faith). The legend was popular since the early 18th century.
Some even go as far as stating that the tower is the only extant structure from the pre-Russian Tatar citadel. If the tower really reflects some original features of Tatar architecture, then its design should have certainly influenced that of the Kremlin towers in Moscow. Supporters of the theory point out that the only similar structures were built in Central Asia, which was politically and culturally connected with the derelict Khanate of Kazan. Several facts point to the validity of this theory: the size of the masonry, the absence of documentary evidence supporting Russian building, the respect paid to the tower by the local Tatar population, and so forth.
In the Imperial period, the tower used to be topped with a double-headed eagle, which the Bolsheviks replaced with a red star. It is currently crowned with a Muslim crescent.
In the early twentieth century, the architect Alexey Shchusev reproduced the structure's outline in the Kazan Rail Station of Moscow.
이 Tower 안쪽으로는 공화국 대통령 사무실이라고 한다.
Tower에 있는 문이 멋있어서 사진을 찍었다.
Tower 앞으로는 유리로 덥힌 바닥을 볼수 있는 곳과 유리로 보호된 작은 무덤이 있다.
그리고 북쪽문으로 나서면 관람은 끝난다.
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